Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Compensation Implementation Tips & Tricks from Support

Feature / Functionality
Potential questions / Issues / Errors

Relevant KBAs
 Employee Import/Export
Compensation data is imported by uploading it in CSV format as part of the user import spreadsheet; data is exported in CSV format.
When updating compensation forms, note that selecting the Update Variable Pay forms and Update Compensation forms options will update live compensation forms, so use caution when choosing these options. After you select Update Compensation forms, additional options are presented.
Forms are not being updated with latest information from an Import File.
Employee Import file is failing to Import.
2084127 - Manage Data - Field Values Not Updating After Importing New Value - Compensation
2084139 - Manage Data - FTP Imports Not Updating Forms Correctly - Compensation
2320676 - Platform - File encoding and impact on import jobs. Tips & Tricks from Support
 FTP and Encryption
PGP encryption allos customers to send encrypted information to SuccessFactors that will be internally descipher with the provided code and imported to the system.
How can we send encrypted information to SuccessFactors?
2296971 - Generating PGP Keys
Role-based permissions (RBP) manage the permissions in the SuccessFactors suite. RBP controls access to the applications and what users can see and edit. RBP is a suite-wide authorization concept which applies to the majority of modules.
Why is the Compensation tab showing up if the user haven't been granted permissions to access it?
How can we permission the Planning tab for a user?
2084754 - Permissions - Planning Permissions Tab - Compensation
 Employee Profile
Compensation can publish data into the Employee Profile. Different sections in the Employee Profile can contain Compensation Data and Statements.
What changes are needed to display the Compensation Portlet in the Employee Profile?
Publish Data in Live Profile is not working.
Some forms' information is not being published in the Employee Profile.
2085308 - Live Profile - Enable Compensation Portlet in Employee Files - Compensation
2085309 - Live Profile - Store Compensation Data in Live Profile & Report on it in Employee List Report - Compensation
2251456 - Store Compensation data in Live profile. - Compensation Management
2158936- The compensation history portlet is missing a number of compensation forms - Successfactors Compensation Management
 Options Menu Compensation Numbers
It is possible to define a number format that will apply to all templates accross the instance based on country preferences. The system will automatically modify the format based on the country preferences (for example if the defined number format at template level is US format #,##0.## the system can change it to a European format #.##0,##).
How can we enable the Compensation Number Format Options?
Why are the Compensation Number Format Options not working?
2138804 - Configuration required to use the Compensation Number Format defined in the Options Menu.
2084592 - Currency - Compensation Number Format Options - Compensation
 Create/Copy a Template
A compensation plan template is the basis for compensation worksheets. The compensation plan template is organized into three main sections or tabs - Salary, Bonus, and Stock.A compensation plan template - also sometimes abbreviated to "compensation plan" - is a configuration file that contains all the settings that pertain to a compensation process, usually for the whole organization. The settings within a template include general display configurations (such as labels), as well as all the guidelines, which may be different for different groups of people that differ by, for example, pay grade and performance.
Template cannot be copied.
New copied template is not calculating as the original.
2084014 - Online Change Consultant - Creating and Updating Compensation Programs - Compensation
2084065 - Admin Tools - Copy Plan - How to clone your existing template - Compensation
2206400- Compensation & Variable Pay - Identical template copied for the new cycle is calculating different (different number of decimals)
 Create / Open Forms
Compensation worksheets - also sometimes referred to as compensation forms- provide managers a framework to recommend promotions, salary adjustments, bonus allocations, stock grants and other changes to their team's salary composition.

In a normal compensation process, a compensation worksheet is created for each compensation planner, usually a people manager or HR representative, which then goes through the configured work flow until it is completed. The manager's recommendations are routed to executive managers for approval or calibration using the flow configured in the route map.

Once you've finished configuring the compensation plan template, you’re ready to create test compensation worksheets.
Forms are not being created.
We get an error when launching worksheets.
Forms cannot be opened.
We get an error when opening the worksheet.
Form title is not displaying correctly.
If 2 users ahve the same name forms are only created for one of them.
2084784 - Error - jobscheduler.ScheduledJobExecutionException when creating or launching worksheets - Compensation
2084589 - Error - 900-001-6 when trying to open a compensation form - Compensation
2084791 - Error - Launch Compensation Forms Process generate an error for employees with the same first and last name - Compensation
2277741 - error when launching comp forms - Wrapped Exception: Should not access by userId and recordKey for ECTBatchDataAccessLookupCache - Compensation
2161250 - Form Title is incorrect because of en_debug - Compensation Management
2169180 - Error -  invalid pattern: 0#,##0.00,0#,##0.00 when open any compensation forms. Unable to open any compensation forms - Compensation
2239037 - Form launch fails when mapped to a nonRecurring pay picklist in EC - Compensation Management
 Currency Conversion / Currency Views
You set up and upload currency conversion tables to the system using a CSV file. You can import multiple currency conversion tables and assign one of them to each compensation plan template.

You should create a new currency conversion table for each plan year rather than changing existing currency conversion tables. The reason for this is that the system will dynamically look up the currencies according to the configured table, even if a compensation worksheet is already completed. This can cause confusion.

Currency conversion tables must be in CSV format, with no headers, with columns "Convert from", "Convert into" and "Conversion rate"
Amounts are not being converted into the planner's currency.
Ad Hoc Report is only displaying Functional Currency.
Formula-Calculated fields are not converted to desired currency.
Compensation Portlet in Employee Profile is showing a Currency Conversion Error.
2269061 - Compensation - EC - Currency Conversion error showing in Compensation portlet for Annualized Salary
2084880 - Reports - Currency Conversion Issue in Ad Hoc - Compensation
2084594 - Currency - Currency Conversion Tips - Compensation
2084564 - Currency - Currency value dropdown number not changing with symbol - Compensation
2084601 - Currency - Conversion Not working when formula is in the calculation - Compensation
To determine who belongs to which group and whether the group is eligible for merit raises, salary increases, promotions, and so on, you can define business rules that work as filters.

In Compensation, it's assumed that all users are eligible unless a rule excluding them is created. Rules can be defined at three levels:

  • Compensation plan template level. At this level, compensation rules define who should not be part of the plan. This level determines if a user will appear on the compensation worksheet.
  • Component level. At this level, rules can be defined to apply eligibility to the Salary, Bonus, and Stock tabs. If users appear on the worksheet but are ineligible for one of the components, their names will appear on the worksheet, but all data will be grayed out for that component.
  • Field level. At this level, rules can be applied to: promo, merit, extra, extra2, lumpSum, lumpSum2, stock, options, stockUnits, stockOther1, stockOther2, and stockOther3. If a user is ineligible for one of these fields, the field will be grayed out so the compensation planner can't edit the field.
Eligibility Rules screen is stuck trying to apply rules for days.
After new Employee Import that grants eligibility to a user, this is not being added to the form.
Error found when applying the Eligibility Rules.
EC Business Rules not available in Plan Setup.
2259423 - Eligibility Engine - when it's executed it's hanging and the backend job is not running
2330434 - Employee not included in the form after new Employee Import - Compensation Management
2084786 - Error - The comp standard field compensationEligible is defined with the custom field flag - Compensation
2188764 - Apply Eligibility Rules job showing errors The expression compInfo.employmentInfo.payComponentRecurring(#pay_20component=="9002"#)[0].XXXXXXX could not be evaluated completely as the property payComponentRecurring of employmentInfo is found to be NULL at compInfo.employmentInfo.payComponentRecurring}]
2194993 - Error - There was an unexpected error during the process: ORA-00904: "UI6" ("U17")."USERS_VALUE": invalid identifier when applying Eligibility Rules - Compensation
2247647 - Error - These was an unexpected error during the process. The base object: HireActionBean is not supported error when applying Eligibility Rules
2265688 - Compensation and Variable Pay - EC Business Rules not available for selection in Compensation Module
 Pay Matrix
A salary pay matrix is a table that defines ranges of pay based on grade level and up to three additional attributes (such as, country, city, job level, and so on). Pay matrixes define the minimum, midpoint, and maximum pay levels for each pay grade and are required for compa-ratio and range penetration calculations.
Can we use the Min or Max value of the Pay Matrix in formulas?
Incorrect Salary Ranges are displayed for a user.
2192760 - Compensation Management: Salary Ranges are incorrect for some employees || Salary ranges which are not there in the salary pay matrix are showing for some employees
2287007 - Is it possible to automatically adjust the Salary to the Minimum of the Salary Pay Matrix? - Compensation Management
 Route Map / Route Forms
A route map determines the work flow a compensation worksheet follows.

Compensation worksheets need to be passed by or routed to several employees. For example, a compensation worksheet may be configured to start with the manager, move on to the second level manager for review, and then move on to the HR representative for approval. The path taken by a worksheet is determined by a route map.

When you route a compensation worksheet, you're electronically passing the worksheet to another employee. The worksheet continues to transfer from employee to employee, sometimes going back and forth a couple of times between two employees, until all work on the worksheet is complete.
Form is not following the Route Map.
Error when trying to edit the Route Map in Plan Setup.
Routing forms Email Notifications are not received.
Users not in the route map can see the forms in the En Route folder.
2194473 - Steps being skipped in the Route Map (Due to missing permissions) - Compensation Management
2232141 - Mass Route Options not available - Compensation Management
2276562 - Compensation and Variable Pay:User not included in the routemap can see the form in his enroute folder
2305266 - list view of all folders (inbox,enroute,completed) sorts by first name instead of full name - Compensation
2330410 - Error when clicking on 'Edit Route Map' in the Compensation template Plan Setup - Compensation Management
2277755 - Compensation and Variable Pay:Users did not receive form routing email Notification
The Compensation Planner has a key role in Compensation Planning. This person has responsibility for recommending compensation changes for employees. SuccessFactors has three different methods for designating the role of compensation planning. 

For each hierarchy, there is an option to include inactive employees. By default, inactive employees are not included; enabling the checkbox on the Manage Users>Define Planners page in Plan Setup will allow inactive employees to be included in the hierarchy.
Manage Users screen is displaying an error related to an unsupported hierarchy.
2258014 - Error "System detected a hierarchy type that is not supported for display in this screen at this time" when using Planner Mode hierarchy with type 2, 3 or 4 - Compensation Mangement
 Rating Sources
There are two different types of ratings:

  • PM Rating: A rating pulled from a PM form or imported
  • Comp Rating A rating manually selected within the compensation worksheet.
Ratings can come from a variety of places. Performance ratings can come from performance reviews within the system, or they can be imported from outside of the system. Compensation can pull the overall rating, the overall potential, the overall objectives rating, or the overall competencies rating from a performance review form. More than one rating source can be defined if there are multiple performance review templates. However, please note it is only possible to pull one ratings for each employee into a compensation template.

The most common way to use ratings in a compensation worksheet is to pull them in from an active or completed PM form or forms.
PM Rating is displaying incorrect values.
OCOC Matrix Rating is not working with Compensation.
Stack Ranker Rating is not being updated in Compensation.
Rating disappears when form is saved.
2084226 - Manage Data - Individual Multiplier Does Not Update After Rating Change - Compensation
2084825 - Rating Sources - Disable PM Rating normalization - Compensation
2214326 - Overall Rating is not Populating in the compensation form when using Overall Potential, Overall Objective, Overall Competency as a rating source - Compensation Management
2252653 - Compensation Management:Ratings are disappearing when saving the form
2279361 - OCOC matrix lookup rating sources are not supported in Compensation/Performance Management - Compensation
2162753 - Using Stack Ranker in Performance is not updating the Compensation Form Rating - Compensation Management
 Form Settings
Several errors can indicate an incorrect set up for different fields in the template. The same way, the worksheets can display values and characteristics that can seem to be unexpected and wrong but they can be explained.
Sorting from High to Low contains empty values on top
Can we configure the form to always start opening the Bonus tab?
FTE=0 is displayed as FTE=1
JobCode is not updated when set to reloadable
We cannot save the changes when adding a Formula containing payGuide in Design Worksheet
Why are some fields in the form showing a darker background than others?

2149191 - How to Hide/Delete Clear Lumpsum button from worksheets - Compensation Management
2173471 - Explanation on the darker background of some fields in the forms
2188617 - Why are compensation Forms showing FTE=1 for users with FTE=0? - Compensation Management
2192098 - Compensation Management: Value for Adjustment/lumpsum didn’t update with update in Salary Data
2206510 - Compensation - Merit Percentage field not behaving correctly with a merit calculation based on Target
2247704 - Error - Validation Error: The field (payGuide OR finalPayGuide) is cross tab referenced in formula - Compensation
2247705 - Compensation - Sorting from High to Low by Merit field is showing users without any value on top of the list
2247715 - Compensation - Is it possible to configure the tabs displayed by default when opening a form?
2084749 - Error - JOBCODE reloadable field does not update - Compensation
2259837 - Reloadable fields cannot be updated as blank after form creation - Compensation Management
 Budget / Budget Assignment
To effectively manage your budget, you should first gather the following details:

  • How is the budget determined?
  • Are there multiple budget pools?
  • Which components have budget? (Merit, Lump Sum, Total Salary, and so on)
  • Is the budget limit hard or soft? Can planners go over budget?
Some sections of the budget are not displayed.
Budget Assignment is not working.
2208595 - Missing budget section(s) - Compensation Management
2263955 - Compensation - Update budget after moving Employees
2339784 - Budget Assignment is not supported for EC integrated templates - Compensation and Variable Pay Management
2084672 - Error - Budget assignment tool error “Failed to get list of head of hierarchy for the compensation template id xxx” - Compensation
 Guidelines / Guideline Modeling
You can add, clone, and delete the guidelines. There is also a decentralized administration option for guidelines. Before making any changes, we recommend that you back up your current configuration, in case you need to revert back or reference the prior settings. To do so, click Export to save the current configuration to a CSV file.
Compensation Modeling allows you to perform complex calculations and analyze how base salary and equity should be awarded to employees across locations, performance levels, position in range and so on.
Can the Currency Icon displayed in the Guidelines change with the planner currency?
Error displayed in Guideline Modeling.
2285654 - User receiving error "OData API permission is required" when setting targets for Compensation Guideline Modeling - Compensation Management
2162645 - Currency Icon displayed in the Guidelines Header is not following the selected currency
When you round a number up, the number is rounded away from zero. For example, 5.5 is rounded to 6. Similarly, -5.5 is rounded to -6.

When you round a number down, the number is rounded towards zero. For example, 5.5 is rounded to 5. Similarly, -5.5 is rounded to -5.

When you round a number halfUp, if the number has a decimal value of .5 or greater, the number is rounded up to the next integer if positive or down to the next integer if negative. If the number has a decimal value less than .5, the number is rounded down if positive and rounded up if the number is negative.
Calculations are not correct.
Values are rounded incorrectly.
Values in Local Currency displayed in form are not correct.
Totals row displaying incorrect amount.
2084175 - Manage Data - Field Format Decimal Precision and Rounding Rules - Compensation
2085361 - Worksheet Design - Rounded Numbers Explained - Compensation
 Rollup / Rollup Report
This hierarchy allows you to roll up (or modify) planner responsibilities to managers higher up in the organization. Compensation planners are identified in the user data file with the planner flag COMPENSATION_PLANNER_XX, where XX is replaced with the form template number.
The Rollup Report provides information on how each Compensation Planner spent their budget, and allocated increases to each user. When dynamic worksheet launch is used and a Planner has more than one worksheet, this report will add up all worksheets to provide budget totals for the Planner.
Rollup report values not matching forms' values.
Rollup is not working.
Rollup Report is not working.
2253328 - Values appearing on rollup report are different from completed forms.- Compensation Management
2085341 - Worksheet Design - Planner Mode comp-plan-creation rollup-users="1" - Compensation
2084843 - Reports - Detailed Report (Rollup Report) Not Working for Some. Export to MS Excel Fails - Compensation
2084901 - Reports - Detailed Report (Rollup Report) Button Not showing - Compensation
Hierarchy Based Approval (HBA) is an alternative way of handling workflows. It combines the capabilities of rollup report and executive review. It provides tree navigation for the organization hierarchy and a simplistic approval process based on the hierarchy.
Document Creation Email Notifications are not received.
Inactive Users are not being displayed.
With HBA View Only Mode the users can edit the forms.
2192791 - Why are Document Creation Notifications not received by the Planners using Hierarchy Based Approvals even if the option is checked upon launch? - Successfactors Compensation Management
2252677 - Compensation Management:Inactive users not showing in HBA
2085299 - Worksheet Workflow - Hierarchy Based Approvals (HBA) View Only Mode Can Still Edit Worksheets - Compensation
Ad hoc reports allow a user to create their own report in a user-friendly report builder tool.
To enable ad hoc reports, you have to select the appropriate settings in your Provisioning system. You also need to grant the appropriate permission to the user that will either create or run ad hoc reports.
An aggregate export allows the administrator to export all of the compensation data within the system, most commonly to import into some other system or the HRIS. This export file cannot be customized. It can either be exported in short format (that is, including basic user information and compensation worksheet data) or it can include more comprehensive user data and goals (if applicable) as well as compensation worksheet data. Although this export was commonly used in the past, most customers prefer to use ad hoc reporting to export a simple file from the tool.
Standard Fields totalIncrease and totalLumpsum are not found in Ad Hoc Reporting.
Custom fields have changed order in my Ad Hoc report.
Error found in Ad Hoc reporting for Compensation.
2213728 - Compensation Management - Why are some standard fields are not available for adhoc reporting?
2346814 - Error : "multiple distinct content disposition headers"
2237614 - Compensation and Variable Pay- why do my custom fields keep changing order in my adhoc report?
 Update Compensation Forms
The most common reasons for running the Update all worksheets function are:
  • When a manager makes a change to a performance rating, the compensation worksheet is only updated with the change when it’s opened, refreshed, or saved. To make sure you’re exporting the most current data, you can use this feature to update performance ratings on all compensation worksheets prior to export.
  • A new user data file is imported with updated user information, such as new title, salary, or location. Run the Update all worksheets function to refresh data on compensation worksheets.
  • An administrator changes the data in a look-up table and wants to update data to refresh the in-progress compensation worksheets.
  • When a new hire or termination occurs, you may choose to automatically manage these employee changes during compensation planning. You can specify the actions you want to take for each change scenario and those changes are automatically applied to all in-progress compensation worksheets.
  • When there's a manager change, you can choose to automatically move an employee to the new manager's worksheet. You can also choose to automatically remove inactive employee or planner worksheets.
  • Tip: Run the Apply Data Updates function prior to exporting data. Be aware that this update may take several hours to run, depending on the number of compensation worksheets and employees being exported.
Is it possible to display the userID instead of the Username in the email notifications?
Inactive users are not being removed after Update.
2219328 - Compensation and Variable Pay: How do you enable the feature to show UserID in the scheduled job output?
2249527 - Compensation Management:Update all Worksheets doesn't remove inactive users from completed worksheets
The audit tool provides a report to administrators in excel format on which worksheet, compensation profile, and executive review field values have been entered or changed, who changed the value, and the date/time of the change. Before and after values are displayed in the report.
Audit cannot be enabled by Partners alone, it requires Successfactors Operations team to modify the Database and enable the framework.
Audit has been enabled but it is not displayed.
Audit is not generating any data.
How can we enable the Compensation Audit?
2084156 - Comp Audit Functionality - Compensation and Variable Pay
2261952 - compensation audit button does not appear in compensation page even though permissions are setup correctly - Compensation
2303860 - Compensation Audit at HCM12 Preview data center - Compensation Management
 Executive Review
A worksheet goes to one compensation planner and only contains data for the employees that are in the compensation planner’s hierarchy. Executive Review takes data from multiple worksheets and groups the data into one view.
Executive Review enables a user to see all the data that a compensation planner can see on a worksheet, including demographic data, merit increases, adjustments, and any other data field that appears on a compensation worksheet.

When a user is granted Executive Review permissions, the Executive Review tab will appear in their Compensation menu. Choosing the Executive Review tab opens executive review. With Executive Review, all the employees from multiple worksheets are listed on one page.

The user with executive review permission does not necessarily have to be included in the worksheet’s route map in order to see the data. Executive Review gives users the ability to filter, sort, view, and export data by any demographic field. Here are some of the commonly used filter options.
Executive Review form is misaligned.
Other filters views are empty.
Filter Options are opened in the background, cannot use them.
How can we display Manager First and Last Name in Executive Review?
If Team View is Selected the filters are closed automatically.
Can we hide the Export/Import buttons?
Offline edit file is not being imported.
Employee can see Executive Review tab but no permissions have been granted.
2290854 - What does the column 'Flags' mean in Executive Review form and export file? - Compensation Management
2261085 - scrolling through worksheet causes misalignments in executive review or worksheet with Chrome browser- Compensation
2247683 - Compensation and Variable Pay - Executive Review Filters are automatically closed when choosing Team View not allowing to select Hierarchy Levels
2218826 - Can the Export button in Executive Review be hidden/deleted? - Compensation
2194880 - Compensation and Variable Pay - Views are empty in Executive Review Filters
2172177 - Executive Review is not populating data after recent import - Compensation
2163542 - Find Users in Executive Review – Filter Options is opening a new pop up window behind the existing screen - Compensation Management
2151615 - Compensation: Executive Review- The fields Manager First Name and Manager Last name are not showing up in Executive Review
2084814 - Executive Review - Employee can see the Executive review tab even if he has not been granted permissions to any templates - Compensation
2255189 - Unable to import the excel file in compensation executive review offline editing. - Compensation Management
 Latency / System Performance Issues
In some cases, the configured settings can lead to a template with a weight too large for the system to load fast, or with a large amount of lookup tables, large number of fields coming from Employee Central, and several other factors that can have a direct impact on the performance of worksheets and Executive Review.
Opening Executive Review is taking too long/timing out.
Opening Executive Review Filters is taking too long/timing out.
Opening Form is taking too long/timing out.
2084003 - Optimize Compensation Performance - Slow Page Loading - Slowness Creating Worksheets - Compensation Performance Issues - Compensation
YouCalc widgets are a graphical representation of certain key data in the Metrics section of a compensation worksheet. They refresh as soon as you make changes to the worksheet.
YouCalc widget is displaying an error.
How can I Implement a custom YouCalc widget?
2272945 - when displaying youcalc widget you get error: An error occurred while calculating data, please try again - Compensation
Post on How To Create?
 Lookup Tables
Lookup tables are used in custom formulas to map data to an employee based on certain attributes if the required information is not contained in one of the compensation worksheet columns.
Each compensation configuration is unique. Depending on your customer’s configuration, you may have to set up many lookup tables or none at all.
Cannot import Lookup Table.
Is there an easy way to move all lookup tables from Test to Production?
2084711 - Error - File empty or format invalid When Uploading Lookup Table - Compensation
2273709 - Instance Sync- Lookup Table - Compensation Management
The bonus sheet is used to plan or allocate bonus for a planner’s group. The system proposes an allocation based on each team member's performance. Planners can manually enter allocations as well. Sheet composition is determined by your configuration but generally:

  • The information is broken into three sections, Individual Goals, Company Goals and Corporate goals
  • Each section displays the percentage of goal attainment as well as the corresponding recommended bonus range for reaching that percentageGoal
Bonus Rating is displayed as Unrated.
Customer Added Fields section name cannot me renamed.
Bonus Factors section displaying all values as 0%
2162742 - Modifying the Group label “Customer Added Fields” in the Bonus tab.
2287036 - Is it possible to hide Bonus Factors when their Weight is 0%? - Compensation Management
2247710 - Compensation - Bonus Rating displayed as "Unrated" when coming from performance and potential summary section (both performance and potential are set to true)
Once the compensation cycle is complete, planners can communicate the results to employees through a compensation statement. Before you step out of the implementation process, you can configure basic compensation statements for your customer using the templates from Success Store.
The Success Store statement templates have limited configuration options. These simple statements may not work for your customer's organization. For example, the statement currently does not accommodate multiple languages and they are produced in the local currency of the employee only. If your customer requires a more complex statement, you should refer them to Customer Success or their sales representative to purchase a custom developed statement. This can then be developed in a separate implementation project.
Employees can/cannot see their statements.
Statements are not being created.
Statement template needs to be modified.
Combined Statement is taking values from incorrect template.
Direct access to the KBA Search for Statements
Job Selector
The Job Selector (sometimes also referred to as the Promotion Selector) is a function that allows customers to manage job changes or promotions as part of the compensation planning process. This feature enables the manager or compensation planner to choose the appropriate new job title based on the families and roles that are maintained in the system.
Final job fields defined with Job Selector are being changed with Employee Imports.
Restrictions from Manager Promotion Map are not followed by Job Selector.
2203396 - Final job selector fields may be set to reloadable - Compensation Management
2247703 - Compensation - Job Selector not considering the values defined in the Manager Promotion Map
 Employee Central

2429831 - Compensation - Reasons why fields in Job Information and Compensation Information are updating the User Directory File
2269061 - Compensation - EC - Currency Conversion error showing in Compensation portlet for Annualized Salary
2419006 - Compensation - Defining the EC Pay Matrix in our template
2339802 - Hybrid templates: EC and non-EC users - Compensation Management
2419082 - Compensation - Publishing LumpSum as a Non Recurring Component(One Time Payment)
2265688 - Compensation and Variable Pay - EC Business Rules not available for selection in Compensation Module
2247647 - Error - These was an unexpected error during the process. The base object: HireActionBean is not supported error when applying Eligibility Rules
2393260 - Compensation - EC fields and business rules coming from Employment Details section not populating for all users
2425434 - Compensation - Business Rules not applied to all employees in the system (hybrid templates and non-EC employees)
2419101 - Compensation - Displaying the name (label) of an EC field instead of the code
2419072 - Compensation - Compensation fields coming from Employee Central are empty on the forms
2419330 - Compensation - Top5 reasons why Compa-Ratio/Range Penetration are not displaying in a form for an EC Integrated template
2419116 - Compensation - Generating custom Publish dates for Recurring and Non Recurring Components in Employee Central
2383840 - Compensation Information is not published in Employee Central
2419121 - Compensation - Error: "User does not have a default pay component for compensation. Please specify componentCode in output mapping" when publishing to EC
2419119 - Compensation - Error: "Failed to save compensation data" when publishing to Employee Central
2419451 - Compensation - Validation Error on Budget Definition for EC integrated template when selecting Based On User
2339784 - Budget Assignment is not supported for EC integrated templates - Compensation and Variable Pay Management
2425424 - Compensation - 


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